As you read thought these thoughts and ideas, open your mind to truth. If you feel offended by the concepts taught here, it shows that you have been brainwashed into false beliefs. A person who is seeking truth, should not fear reading about ideas and concepts that might be new to them.
Just as many people find quiet places in nature to meditate and find inner peace, the act of Bondage can do this for many millions of people. This is not something for everyone. It is reserved for those who have this wiring in their brains. There should be no shame in engaging in bondage activities. It is very normal and healthy. Many cultures and religions over the centuries have discovered that isolation and various forms of bondage, as well as even painful activities can cause the person to find an altered state where they can meditate and consider ideas and concepts that they would otherwise not thought of. These altered states are often very emotional, and sometimes can, in extreme situations, cause hallucinations or bizarre dreams. So the creative ideas that come to the person who is in one of these altered states, is not any kind of message from God, but a freeing of the mind to discover random thoughts and images that may, or may not be helpful in finding actual truth. If you are looking for relaxation and a feeling of peace, bondage can be a good way to do it. If you are searching for truth, a logical and careful study of scientific fact is the most sure way to find it. Belief in something has no basis of truth. Acting on mere faith is reckless and foolish. The ideas that follow, are ones that came to Bind. They are not all based in fact. They are concepts and ideas that came to him.
As humans we are separate, but also one. We are one organism, yet also separate. We have our own separate minds and thoughts, but we also have a group consciousness. As one organism we need to be protecting ourselves as a human race.
All living things are connected in some way to the collective consciousness. All life forms are not one organism, but we share a connection.
There shall be always a human desire to have a "sacrificial Lamb". These are sometimes fictional gods, and at other times they are real people. Those people need to be the lowest of the low, and they must do it of their own free will and choice. The concept that he who is greatest shall be the least is a valid idea that has been corrupted, particularly in Christianity. You cannot be the least if your idea of humility is to be a preacher who takes in millions of dollars and owns a jet. This is a gross corruption. If one is trying to become popular, rich, or famous, they are disqualified to be the greatest or the least. They are just snake oil salesmen.
To find true happiness, you must find out what that one thing is for you. Then find the second and third thing and put them in order. It is not the same thing for everyone.
Having logical thought and understanding real truth requires you to use your brain to think things through on your own. You must toss out things that you have always believed or felt were true. Believing in something you feel a passion about does not make it real. Do not be a gullible follower of conspiracy theories, right wing media spins (a spin is a lie), and religious nonsense.
People who were raised in one, or another religion, have been brainwashed to believe what hey were taught. They do not look at the world with any sense of reality. Belief in things that are not true is a form of spiritual bondage. If you just thought that what I just wrote here is wrong, then you are brainwashed into thinking that. Use your brain and use some logical thought. If you think that the Bible is a good book written or inspired by God, then it is obvious that you have not studied or even read the entire thing. My conclusion after a careful study of the Bible, was that if the God of the Bible was really a supreme being of some kind, that we were all in trouble. Because the God of the Bible is an evil, racist, sadistic, selfish, petty, shallow, murdering, ego manic. The notion that the God taught about in the Bible has anything to do with "love" is utter nonsense. If you were offended by what you just read, then you are blocking out your own logical thinking. You are not willing to actually face the truth. The truth can hurt. Rip off that bandage that is over your eyes and ears. There is no God. There is no supreme being. It is all a silly old superstition that was made to try and explain things that we didn't understand. What you feel and believe with all of your heart is your emotions. Emotions are not the way to find truth. Following others who you think are wonderful is not the way to find truth. Consider changing your thinking. Accept what science has learned. Not what pseudo-science claims. Accept what is real. Take off one week and live in complete seclusion. No reading materials. No phone. Nothing but your thoughts. Wait till it gets really boring. Just keep thinking. Let your mind sort things out. Review your life. Think with logic and find out what happens to you.
We want religion. We want to belong to some cause. You can be part of a religion without believing in the false claims of those faiths. Faith is blind. Take off the blindfold. If you are to be part of a religion, do not depend on your feelings or faith. They lie and deceive. Having blind faith is like wearing a blindfold and depending on someone else, who is also wearing a blindfold to tell you what he imagines that he would see if his blindfold was off. Why not take the blindfold off and actually look at the world. If you think that real science doesn't know anything and is not true, then how did we get to this point where information can be shared via the internet? It is time to look at religion in a new way. Instead of having a religion that depends on blind faith, why not have a religion that accepts all science and real truth? One that rejects fictional superstitions and fairy tales. We reject the notion that there is some unknown invisible being that created everything. A belief in some man made god is not truth. True religion must reject such superstitions. A meaningful search for true understanding and happiness requires the elimination of false notions and unproven nonsense that is prevalent on the internet, opinion based media, and in churches. If you are only looking at news, media and information that supports your beliefs, you are only brainwashing yourself into delusional thinking. To find actual truth, you have to challenge your deepest beliefs. If your only proofs are stories, and what you feel, rest assured that what you believe is not the truth, but lies.
Bind has been prepared by the human consciousness as one who is a messenger. He is able to tap into that consciousness. He can, and will receive messages from it. But Bind has found that for the clearest thoughts and connections, he must be humbled kept in constant bondage. Bondage is a love and hate thing. On the one hand you love to experience it, but on the other hand you hate being in it and want to be free. Bind has chosen to allow himself constant bondage, when, and if called by others in the human consciousness to do it. Many of the ancient religions used forms of bondage as a way to tap into spirituality. Monks were sometimes locked into small cell like rooms, as one example. Sometimes the bondage and mediation led to altered states. The altered states are not reality, although they do help to produce creativity and ideas. But while in seclusion and bondage, outside of the altered states that can happen, Bind has been able to tap into the brain waves which are constantly out there, not in the space that we understand and see, but in a place where time doesn't exist.
Others have been called by the consciousness to join in this movement of truth and understanding of what we as one organism really wants and needs. The messages are only just beginning to flow. If you are being called to this, heed the call.
Without knowing what the human consciousness is about and what it wants and needs, the human race will destroy its self and other life forms on earth. Other creatures are messaging the same thing. As a whole, humans must move past beliefs which are false and archaic. If enough humans can throw away the nonsense of superstition, we could save humanity. It is likely too late however. But it is worth trying. At the least, those who have tossed away the childish beliefs of angels, all knowing God's, Santa Clause, demons, and fairies, can finally get a view of the world and universe with much more clarity and understanding.
If you have done some harm to another creature, own up to it. You cannot cop out and confess it to God and have Jesus or anyone else take that sin on for you. When you do something wrong, it is your responsibility. You are the one who needs to face the consequences. The idea of giving your sins to someone else and then being able to move on with a smile (because you think that it means you never did it) is an outrageous perversion. Do not fall for such nonsense. Own up to what you do. We all make mistakes. Admit your faults. Take responsibility for yourself. Don't just be a blind sheep following the other multitudes of, people of good intentions, but mind numbed into false beliefs that have no place for a person of logical thought. Many old traditions are pure foolishness and time wasters. Most traditions would be best done away with. All religious traditions are down right silly. They cause people to waste their time and energy. Just because it feels comfortable to you, doesn't make it something that is good for you.
The human consciousness will lead other people to keep Bind in bondage. There will soon be a time when he is under heavy guard and kept in restraints all of the time. As he becomes the lowest of the low, information will flow through him. The human consciousness wants a sacrificial lamb. His complete bondage as the lowest of the low will create a balance that will allow the freedom of expression for others. There shall be both willing guards and willing prisoners. Bind shall be the lowest prisoner. People will come and volunteer to be both prisoners and guards. There will be an energy and flow of truth and human understanding that will follow. If you are reading this, you may have been called to it. Heed the call and tap into the consciousness. Truth is about to flow. But it cannot flow freely until there is a proper balance.
It is both a scary and exciting thing for me to consider giving up all freedom. I am attracted and drawn to it. I feel like I need to give in to those feelings and allow it all to happen. I am preparing and will be willing to do what the consciousness wants. I will submit. There are others who have these same feelings. They also need to submit. Others have the feelings that they need to be guards. Follow your passions, Just understand that what you feel is not truth being revealed. Truth does not come from feelings. But freedom comes from following through with your passions as long as those passions are not hurtful to other humans. Everything we do should benefit the one organism as a human race that we are.
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